
What is wrong with our education?

I am just a teacher, hoping all of my students to be on the right track.

I find it almost impossible to guide all of them to the right way.

I try hard to pull those who go astray back .

Never do I give up them. 

What do  I get from what i have done for them?

Nothing!! Nothing but complaints from their parents about my biased attitudes towards their children.

I swear I never purposely find faults with them.


How can such barberious parents education well-behaved children?  It's impossible for this kind of

parents to have good-breeding children . i am not so surprised that this kind of

parents keep blaming teachers for being picky about their badly behaved kids instead of finding out

why their kids do wrongs repeatedly and coming up with ideas to help thier loved ones.  What they have

done to me undoubted  forces me to ignore their children and even to "abandon" them.    


"My mom asked me to ignore you",these acrimonious words are like a sharp knife peircing straight into

 my heart. On the moment I heard these remarks, i almost burst into tears. Can i be tolerant ? Can i let

 go of these  tart words? 






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